Imprint & contact

The TOP OF DESIGN France award is a collaboration between Marie Claire Maison and Pro-Conso France. Pro-Conso France S.A.R.L. is responsible for running the prize and operating the website:

Société Pro-Conso France S.A.R.L.

75 avenue Parmentier
75544 Paris Cedex 11

RCS de Paris sous le n°879 620 094


How to contact us

Phone: +33-(0)1-8488-3799
Fax: +33-(0)1-8488-4474



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59100 Roubaix (France)
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The content and structure of the website are protected by copyright and, where applicable, trademark law. Any reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts, brands and trademarks, images or other content requires the prior written consent of the provider or copyright holder.


Didier Delmas


Kreowsky & Kreowsky GbR